Thank you for your generosity

Your offerings and tithes fund the mission of the Church. Through your generosity, you are enabling Harvest to grow and reach further.

General Giving

Internet Banking

Simply transfer the amount into our account ( 03-0399-0789233-00 ) with your Tithe number and name as a reference. You can also set this up as an automatic payment.

Donation receipts will be emailed to you. Please make sure we have your correct details by completing this form.

In Person

You can donate using EFTPOS, Credit card or cash after any of our Sunday services at the info desk. You can also visit us in the office between 9am and 5pm, Tuesday to Friday.

Above & Beyond

Above & Beyond is an opportunity to respond in faith to God as we build His Kingdom. Our goal as a church is to give $100,000 above and beyond our tithes and offerings so that we may advance the life-changing message of Jesus Christ in our community.

Every dollar received in our Above & Beyond FAITH offering will be allocated as follows:
40% will be spent on Missions
40% will be designated for building improvements
20% towards debt reduction.

We want to encourage you to start praying about what God wants you to give this year Above & Beyond our tithes and offerings. You can add to this offering with a one-off donation or as a pledge to continue giving over the next 12 months.

To give online, transfer the amount into the “Above & Beyond” account ( 03-0399-0789233-001 ) with your tithe number as a reference.


Missions have been at the core of Harvest Christian Church for over 40 years. During this time we have developed and been involved in an extensive foreign and local ministry programme.

The New Testament gives us a model – a Christ-centred community planted as a witness throughout the world. God is reaching the masses through the church.

We have an opportunity to partner with churches and ministries around the world to see them impact their cities and nations with the transforming power of the Kingdom. Whether it is Robin and Margaret Aim in a slum church in Nairobi, or church planter Pastor Elena to the English speaking people in Constanta, we are making a difference.

The need is significant around the world. As a church we feel called to increase our commitment to our existing mission fields and beyond. We pray that as your heart is moved by the needs presented, you will seize this opportunity to make a significant difference in people’s lives.

To give online, transfer the amount into the Missions account ( 03-0399-0789233-002 ) with your tithe number as a reference.